Mauricius, November

A delegation from the Republic of GUINEA lead by Madame Traoré Naye N’diaye Diao, President UNITRA Guinée participated for the first time to AIUTA events. UNITRA President Madame Traoré Naye N’diaye Diao spoke at the AIUTA Governing Baord on the new Guninea U3A. his excellency Ambassador Elhadji Mamadou Falilou Bah did a presentation at the AIUTA U3AM Mauritius Conference on U3As and Pliriculturalism.

UNITRA Guinea President Lady Traoré had meeting with Prof François Vellas AIUTA President and Sidi Camara, UNITRA Senegal President and AIUTA GB Member to propose to organise a ceremony in Conakry next january 2019 on official inuaguration.