Universities and U3As from Castellon Jaime I with Virginia Marti Sidro, Alicante  with Jose Francisco Mancebo Arracil y Dr Alfonso Soler Gomis, Barcelona with Ana Recio Macho, Valencia Universitat with Amparo Cortes Monlcon, María Angeles Chavarria Aznar, Ana Mafe Garcia y Francesc Colomer Sanchez, Malaga with Jose Luis Delgado Pena, Madrid with Manuel Mendez Guerrero, Granada with Jose Luis Cabeza Casado, La Laguna Universidad Tenerife with Fernando Barragan Medero, Valladolid with Padre Alvaro Lobo Arranz SJ, did presentations in the 2nd International Congress on « U3As and Covid-19 » on October 20-21 on live in Quito and Jerica and on virtual. All contents will be available from Reidtic Cedehush and Alto Palancia U3A.