october 2022

On invitation Nadezdha Hrapkova, AIUTA Deputy Treasury and GB Member, Prof François Vellas, AIUTA President and Prof Carlos Santos, AIUTA Deputy Secretary General participate to a meeting with Zuzana Kovacicova, Vice Rector for Education University Comenius and Dana Havranova, Head of U3A, Tatiana Ilavska, Director of the Center for Continuing Education, in Bratislava Comenius University on October 12th. Discussion focussed on Comenius U3A and Continuous Education programs on entrepreneurship dedicated to seniors with younger students participation as an example of innovative intergenerational programs. This topic on senior entrepreneurs will be proposed to one of the next AIUTA international conferences to share experiences between EU U3As and U3As from other continents. Comenius university in cooperation with AIUTA will prepare a booklet on methodological guidelines and practical examples to implement programs on senior entrepreneurship in U3As all over the World.