JUNE 2024

The representative of UNITRA Guinea, Mr. Baba-Gallé Soumah came to Toulouse as part of the ceremonies commemorating the 50th anniversary of the University of the Third Age. He met Professor François Vellas, president of Aiuta, in order to give him the memory souvenir prepared by UNITRA Guinea, in honor of the creation of the first university of the third age in Toulouse. The meeting with François Vellas focused on international cooperation between UNITRA Guinea and the third age universities of Aiuta. UNITRA Guinea with its President Traoré Naye N'Diaye will participate in the next AIUTA congress and board of directors in Tunis, October 8 - 10, 2024. UNITRA Guinea is preparing a cooperation program with AIUTA on the development of universities for the elderly and senior tourism in Guinea and the countries of the region.