Rector Marat Syrlybayev University Ualikanov, Kokchetau, Kazakhstan with Ainagul Ismagulova, Director U3A participate to AIUTA GB 114th at Marista Merida University and to AIUTA International Workshop at University La Salle Cancun, February 4/6th, 2025. In Merida, Rector Marat Syrlybayev met Rector Ermilio Jose Echeverria Castellanos from Marista University and Rector Carlos A Estrada Pinto from University of Yucatan and in Cancun Rector Alicia Ruiz Soto from University La Salle. Delegates from Ualikanov University lead U3A development in the whole Kazakhstan from 3 U3As in 2022 to now 72 U3As in 2025. Rector Marat Syrlybayev spoke at the University La Salle Cancun workshop with AIUTA on senior tourism new perspectives in Kazakhstan. AIUTA will cooperate actively with Ualikanov university to promote international cooperation among AIUTA U3As and will participate in the U3As Kazakh national meeting next September 2025 in Astana.